Four great reasons to replace your old skylight
If you’re planning on replacing your existing roof, we strongly believe it’s the best time to consider adding new skylights as well. Here are four separate reasons why installation of the two typically go hand in hand:
1. You’ll Save Time and Money
When it’s time to replace a skylight, your contractor will need to remove the shingles surrounding the window, re-flash around it, and then seal the unit to the roof deck or curb. Since you’re already paying to remove old shingles to lay down new ones, go ahead, save money and replace the skylight while the roof deck is accessible!
2. The VELUX Promise & Warranty
VELUX Skylights are our brand of choice. Why not replace your skylight to sync with the roof warranty? 

VELUX is the only skylight company to implement three layers of protection in their product design, providing you with peace of mind against leaks for at least 10 years.
3. Improved Energy Efficiency
VELUX offers Clean, Quiet & Safe glass (advanced Low-E3 coating) which provides more daylight and better heat control, improving energy efficiency. VELUX skylights meet ENERY STAR requirements in all climate zones, including Wisconsin!
4. Federal Tax Credit
With eligible solar products, you can apply for a 30% federal tax credit on the entire cost of skylight product and installation. That should save you a pretty penny!
To learn more about VELUX products and to receive a free estimate for your skylight replacement, feel free to contact us for more details!