The Best Practices for Decorating Your Home This Winter
Avoid Damage To Siding & Roofing
As a residential exterior service company, we encounter damage to siding and roofing on a frequent basis. To make sure you’re not unintentionally causing damage while enjoying your holiday decorations this year, we’ve put together a simple list of guidelines to follow. Enjoy peace of mind with these damage-free tips!
Be careful not to fasten anything to shingles. Anything that attaches to your shingles is going to damage them. If you tack decorations onto your shingles, you’ll leave behind small holes that may turn into bigger problems down the road.
Do not walk around on your roof. If possible, avoid going on your roof! It’s not just for your safety, though that’s paramount — staying off your roof will keep shingles safe from unnecessary damage as well. The wear and tear from walking on your shingles may lead to leaks or premature replacement.
Avoid permanent modifications. Don’t use nails or permanent solutions for temporary decorations. These will cause holes and damage to the exterior of your home. Instead, opt for non-permanent fasteners and adhesives that won’t alter your siding or shingles.
Use plastic light hangers. If you’re hanging up lights, plastic light hangers are a great option. These small hooks latch onto gutters and can be easily used when gutter guards are installed. Since they’re made of plastic, they will break if you face an icing issue rather than pull on the gutters or cause damage to your home. Plus, they won’t wear through your lights’ electrical cord as fast as metal nails will.
Practice Ladder Safety
When you can, use a ladder and avoid going on your roof. You’ll avoid risking damage to your shingles and your body. Bring out the ladder and remember to practice ladder safety as you’re putting up decorations.
Invest in a reliable ladder. Homeowners often opt for the cheap option when it comes to ladders, justifying the low cost by stating they’ll only use it a few times a year. However, purchasing a sturdy, professional-style ladder can be worth the investment in the long run. You’re more likely to avoid preventable accidents while putting up decorations and the ladder will last a long time.
Get someone to help you. Make decorating the house a family activity! Have someone at your side to hold the ladder and offer support as you go up and down. It’s also a good way to keep you accountable and ensure you’re practicing ladder safety responsibly — with someone there, you’re less likely to make impulsive decisions like reaching too far or trying to get something in that last little spot. Take your time and bond with the family.
Pay Attention to Weather & Look for Home Exterior Warning Signs
Whether you’re hanging decorations up or taking them down, make sure you’re setting yourself up for success. Use your best judgment to decide when the weather will allow you to safely decorate your house. And while you’re decorating, use the opportunity to make sure your roof is up to par!
Pick a day with good weather to hang up decorations. Though winter weather is on the horizon, do your best to hang up decorations on a day with optimal conditions. Aim for a non-windy day for ultimate cooperation and ladder sturdiness. Try to put up your decorations before the ground freezes as ice can put ladder safety at risk; however, if it is icy outside, make sure you take your time and avoid rushing.
Check potential signs of damage before winter settles in. Since you’ll be working near your gutters anyway, take the time to check for warning signs one last time before winter hits. Take advantage of your final opportunity to remove leaves from your roof’s valleys and check your gutters. If you’re seeing granules or any of these warning signs, repairs may be necessary in the near future.
Know when to take your decorations down. It’s just as important to have good weather when you take your decorations down as it is when you put them up. After all the snow on the ground has melted, wait a little longer to ensure that all the snow and ice in your gutters has melted (as this is typically the last to melt). By waiting, you’ll ensure the safest removal of decorations possible.
Decorate Your Home Safely With L.H. Krueger
As you put up decorations this holiday season, use our tried and true practices to stay safe and get your home looking festive. If you notice anything you’re concerned about while decorating, contact L.H. Krueger for a free estimate!